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Frequently Asked Questions
What are the services offered by AEO Pakistan?
AEO Pakistan provides a full spectrum of services for Studying Abroad. This includes Student Counseling/Placement services, IELTS Testing and IELTS Preparation.
AEO Pakistan is the official liaison office of prestigious and top-ranked universities from Australia, UK, USA, Canada, New Zealand, UAE and Malaysia.
AEO Pakistan is the official test centre of IDP IELTS Australia in Pakistan to conduct IELTS, IELTS for UKVI and IELTS Life Skills in all major cities across Pakistan.
AEO Pakistan offers Computer-Delivered IELTS and Computer-Delivered UKVI IELTS at Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi and Peshawar. Computer-Delivered IELTS is available 6 days a week up to three sessions per day.
AEO Pakistan is the official test centre of OET in Pakistan, conducting the OET test at Islamabad, Karachi and Lahore.
Is there any difference between IELTS test conducted AEO Pakistan and British Council?
There is no difference in IELTS test conducted AEO Pakistan and British Council. Both conduct the same IELTS test and both are equally acceptable.
How many days AEO Pakistan takes to deliver the results?
Results are delivered to test takers via courier within fifteen days of the test. Test takers can also view a provisional result online on the 13th calendar day after the test. To Preview IELTS results the link is available on IELTS Results Preview
Can a Test Taker get additional copies of TRF or request the IELTS result to be sent electronically to a University?
Yes, Test takers can request up to two additional TRFs under conditions such as damage or loss. AEO Pakistan can also send the result directly to different intuitions/diplomatic missions by courier. For details of charges visit <insert link>. The test takers can also request the result to be sent to 5 different universities/ diplomatic missions electronically without additional charges. AEO Pakistan reserves the rights to confirm the status of the institution where the test taker wants to send the result.
What are the deadlines for registering IELTS test with AEO Pakistan?
For IELTS PB: Three working days before the test
For IELTS CB: Five working days before the test
For UKVI PB: Three working days before the test
For UKVI CB: Five working days before the test
For Life Skills: Five working days before the test
All deadlines are subject to availability of seat.
Can a candidate send their IELTS application via Courier/ mail?
Candidates can send their IELTS application through Mail/Courier. Test fee can be submitted by Pay Order/Bank Draft in favour of AEO Pakistan or by using the online payment methods.
What should a test taker do if a result is delivered with some error?
Test taker should contact AEO Pakistan within 5 days after receiving the result.
Does AEO Pakistan also offer IELTS preparatory classes?
AEO Pakistan is offering IELTS preparatory classes in Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad and Multan.
Which IELTS test do I need if I am applying for a UK visa application?
For visa applications to the UK, you may need to have an English language qualification. IELTS and IELTS Life Skills are included on both the UK Home Office’s list of Secure English Language Tests (referred to as SELT tests by UK Home Office) and the OFQUAL register.
It is recommended you check all visa requirement information directly with the UK government website.
To find out whether you need to take an approved test, what level you need to achieve, and which test you can use, you should contact UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI). For more information, please visit www.gov.uk/check-uk-visa.
What do I need to do if I am applying to a British university or college for studies?
If you are applying for a Tier 4 student visa to a Highly Trusted Sponsor (HTS) to study a bachelor or postgraduate degree, you are required to meet the English language level set by the institution. All British universities and colleges accept IELTS results. This means that you do not need to take the IELTS test under UKVI specified condition, unless your institution has required you to.
It is recommended you check all visa requirement information directly with the university or college where you are applying.
Can I use any IELTS test result for UK visa applications?
For UK visa, you will require results from an “IELTS for UKVI” test from one of the UKVI authorized test centres. You can take your IELTS for UKVI test at this test centre.
You will receive an IELTS – or IELTS Life Skills – Test Report Form which shows that you have taken your test to meet the UKVI requirements.
How often is an UKVI IELTS or IELTS Life Skills test available?
For UKVI IELTS and IELTS Life Skills, test dates will be available within 28 days of booking your test. The frequency of UKVI IELTS and IELTS Life Skills testing for UK visa and immigration purposes varies by location.
How often can I re-take UKVI IELTS or IELTS Life Skills?
There are no restrictions on retaking UKVI IELTS. You can register for a test as soon as you feel you are ready to do so.
If you have passed IELTS Life Skills, you cannot retake it for a period of two years. If you do not pass it, there are no restrictions on retaking the test.
How is my IELTS test different if I take it for UK visa purposes?
The IELTS test for UK visa purposes is designed to meet certain administrative requirements that are specified by UK Visas and Immigration. Test Report Forms will be slightly different, to show that test takers have taken the test at an IELTS UK visa session. The actual test taken is the same – same content, examiners, format, level of difficulty, scoring and so on.
If I take an IELTS test for UK visa purposes, can I use my result in other countries / for other purposes?
Yes. IELTS test results are accepted by more than 9,000 organisations worldwide, including universities, colleges, governments and employers.
What is IELTS Life Skills?
IELTS Life Skills is a new English language test offered by the three IELTS Test Partners – British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia and Cambridge English Language Assessment.
IELTS Life Skills is a test of Speaking and Listening, available at CEFR Level A1 and CEFR Level B1. It is designed to meet the requirements of UK Visas and Immigration for certain visa categories and other immigration purposes.
Which IELTS Life Skills test do I need?
If you are applying to UK Visas and Immigration for a ‘family of a settled person’ visa? IELTS Life Skills A1 is the test for you.
If you are applying to UK Visas and Immigration for indefinite leave to remain or citizenship? IELTS Life Skills B1 is the test for you.
To find out whether you need to take an approved test, what level you need to achieve, and which test you can use, you should contact UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI). For more information, please visit www.gov.uk/check-uk-visa
What is the format of the IELTS Life Skills test?
You take the test with another test taker and one Examiner. Your own performance on both speaking and listening will be assessed during this one session.
Why does IELTS Life Skills only cover Speaking and Listening?
This new test has been designed to meet specific immigration requirements for which applicants only need to demonstrate speaking and listening skills.
How long does the IELTS Life Skills test take?
IELTS Life Skills at CEFR Level A1 takes 16-18 minutes and Level B1 is 22 minutes.
Is there any break between Speaking and Listening?
No, you will be assessed on your Speaking and Listening skills at the same time.
How is IELTS Life Skills assessed?
A certificated IELTS Examiner will assess your performance throughout the Speaking and Listening test based on the following criteria:
1- Obtaining information
2- Conveying information
3- Speaking to communicate
4- Engaging in discussion
The performance of the other test taker paired with you in IELTS Life Skills test does not affect the assessment of your own performance.
How many copies of IELTS Life Skills Test Report Form will I get?
Test takers will receive one copy of the IELTS Life Skills Test Report Form. Test takers may request 2 additional TRFs in condition of loss or damage.
How soon will I get my IELTS Life Skills results?
Test results are available after seven (7) days of your test.
Which IELTS test format Paper base or computer delivered is best for me?
It totally depends upon the test taker. Some are more comfortable with traditional paper-based test while others prefer using computer. h computer.
Is it the same content as a paper-based test?
Yes. The test will be the same as paper-based IELTS in terms of content, scoring, level of difficulty and question types.
Is IELTS on a computer difficult than IELTS paper-based?
No. The test will be the same as paper-based IELTS in terms of content, scoring, level of difficulty and question types. The Speaking test is not changing and will still be carried out face to face with a trained IELTS Examiner. It is still the same test, the only difference is the Listening, Reading and Writing tests are on computer.
Isn’t the test easier if I can type faster on a computer?
No, as the test will be the same as paper-based IELTS in terms of content, scoring, level of difficulty and question types. It comes down to personal choice. This is your IELTS test and you can choose the option that empowers you to perform your best on test day.
Will there be more IELTS sessions available of computer-delivered tests?
Computer-delivered IELTS test centres are now offering up to 3 test sessions a day, 7 days a week. Please click on this link for detailed information: www.aeo.com.pk
Can I bring my own laptop/keyboard?
No. There is no need to bring your own keyboard or laptop as all equipment is provided by the test centre and no other equipment is permitted.
Is computer-delivered IELTS more widely available than other computer tests?
Computer-delivered IELTS test centres are now offering up to 3 test sessions a day, 7 days a week. Please click on this link for detailed information: www.aeo.com.pk
How do I prepare for the computer-delivered test?
Please view the familiarisation materials available below, which provides a clear overview of the computer-delivered test and how it works. There is also practice material available for each test. As the questions and tasks on the computer-delivered test are the same as for the paper-based test, the material is suitable for all test takers. These can beaccessedhere: ieltsessentials.com/OnComputer
What are the practice materials available?
Please view the familiarisation materials available online, which provides a clear overview of the computer-delivered test and how it works. There is also practice material available for each module. As the questions and tasks on the computer-delivered test are the same as for the paper-based test, the material is suitable for all test takers.
Why isn’t IELTS fully computerised, like other computer tests?
With IELTS, you deal with real people. Face-to-face testing helps test takers develop English skills in the context which they’ll be used. The IELTS Speaking test is delivered through a trained Examiner, enabling real-life, two-way interaction, as in the real world.
Does computer-delivered IELTS mean I’ll get my results faster?
If you take the computer-delivered IELTS test then you will receive your results 3 to 5 days after you complete the last section of your test.
When the test results of CD IELTS will be announced?
The CD IELTS test results will be announced within 3 to 5 days after the test date.